Conventional Construction vs. Modular Construction: Which One Is Better?

The world was amazed when a Chinese manufacturing company, BROAD Group, erected a ten-storey apartment building in just 28 hours and 45 minutes.

Mind-blowing 🤯, right?

However, there is more to the story.

Another company has constructed an unbelievable 57-storey skyscraper in a record 19 days. How are they achieving this? Does China have any superpowers?

Obviously, the answer is no. This is not a matter of superpower but rather the result of a choice made by Chinese companies to adopt modular construction methods over conventional construction.

So in today’s informative blog, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the modular building method and how it differs from the conventional method through a comparative analysis. We will also get to know which one is better for various projects. Without any delay, let’s move further.

What is Modular Construction?

In modular building construction, temporary or permanent structures are built using prefabricated units called modules. Therefore, it is also known as prefabrication or off-site construction.

Connecting modules side by side, one behind the other or on multiple storeys, construction workers carry out further construction of any size and layout. Additionally, modular construction suits almost any application, including all your new build, conversion, extension, and renovation projects. It requires minimal on-site construction, reducing space requirements, labour costs, and overall time. This method has several benefits, and the major ones are:

Advantages Modular Building Construction

  • Speed: Because modules are built in a factory, the weather doesn’t affect the construction process, which causes unnecessary project delays. Developers and builders can complete some stages of construction 50% faster.
  • Flexibility: There’s no need for costly demolition. Modular construction allows you to remodel or relocate the structure wherever necessary. It also offers a wide range of prefabricated utility cut-outs and integrated components that are difficult to find in conventional construction.
  • Waste Reduction: The modular design is great for the environment too! Factory production of modules reduces waste by a massive 83.2% and makes better use of materials. Thanks to the use of environmentally friendly materials and techniques! Learn more about the importance of material management and tools to manage it effectively.
  • Cost Control and Investment Protection: Construction defects and their rectification often lead to unwanted increases in construction costs. Modular construction avoids costs through standardised production in manufacturing plants. Consequently, developers and investors rarely face unexpected bills. Many modular manufacturers also offer a fixed-price model.
  • Less Interference and Clean Construction Site: Finally, modular construction means far less disruption on site, as the heavy lifting is done at the factory. This keeps the site clean and tidy and prevents careless mistakes caused by a chaotic site. This is a major benefit, especially in densely built-up areas or on projects where disruption is unacceptable.

What is Conventional Construction?

Conventional construction has been around since the beginning of humanity.⁤ Most of the construction going on around you uses conventional methods of building structures, whether it’s roads or office buildings. ⁤⁤This tried-and-tested method relies on building structures on site, step by step. ⁤⁤While newer methods, such as modular construction, are rising, conventional construction remains popular for many reasons.

Advantages of Conventional Building Construction

  • ⁤Ease of complexity: Conventional construction allows for more on-the-fly changes and adjustments to the unique, complex building plan. ⁤⁤This can be helpful if unforeseen circumstances arise during the project.
  • ⁤Skilled workforce: There’s a readily available pool of skilled labour familiar with conventional methods. This can make it easier to find the right team.
  • ⁤Availability of materials: Conventional building materials, such as bricks and timber, are widely available. This can help keep costs down.
  • ⁤Fewer restrictions: Permits and regulations are often easier to get for conventional construction. ⁤⁤This can be an advantage for projects that require a quicker approval process.
  • ⁤Proven durability: Conventional buildings have a history of lasting for many years. This method also provides a sense of security and longevity for your project.

Conventional vs Modular Construction: Comparative Analysis

Conventional construction is a method that involves creating a structure at the exact location where it will be erected.

Modular construction, on the other hand, involves the manufacturing of building components in a factory and their subsequent transportation and installation at the construction site.

Here is a detailed comparative analysis of conventional and modular construction.

CriteriaConventional ConstructionModular Construction
Construction Process

– Materials and components assembled on-site

– Sequential construction steps

– Susceptible to weather delays

– Components prefabricated off-site in controlled factory settings

– On-site assembly of prefabricated modules

– Less affected by weather conditions

Construction Time

– Longer build times due to sequential on-site assembly

– Prone to delays from coordination issues and weather

– Simultaneous off-site fabrication and on-site preparation

– Quicker on-site assembly of prefabricated modules


– Higher labour costs due to manual on-site work

– Potential for cost overruns from delays and unexpected expenses

– Lower labour costs from a factory-controlled environment

– Reduced material waste and more efficient use of resources

– Predictable budgets and cost savings, despite higher upfront costs

Quality Control

– Quality may vary due to human errors and inconsistent craftsmanship

– Reliance on multiple subcontractors

– Improved quality control in factory settings

– Consistent quality and accuracy

– Reduced defects and imperfections


– Greater design flexibility and customization options

– Adaptable to site-specific conditions and irregular layouts

– Modular units can be customized to an extent

– Flexibility to reconfigure and expand modules based on needs

– Limited by modular dimensions and transportation constraints


– Potential for higher material waste on-site

– Greater environmental impact from the transportation of materials

– Reduced material waste in factory settings

– Efficient use of resources and less waste

– Modules can be reused or recycled


– Suitable for complex, custom designs

– Ideal for historical renovations and infrastructure projects

– Best for repetitive designs, strict timelines, and budget constraints

– Applicable to residential, hospitality, healthcare, and student housing projects

Conventional vs Modular Construction: Which is Better?

People often ask us about the differences between modular and conventional construction. Modular building construction systems are the future. Technological advances have undoubtedly made the process of designing, transporting, and assembling modular components easier and better.

The most significant difference between these construction methods is time. Industrialised construction is up to 50% faster than conventional construction because it can take place simultaneously in a factory and on site. This is an especially attractive proposition for the end customer, who wants to enjoy their project as soon as possible.

Further, as in conventional construction, the main priorities in modular construction are to create modules that guarantee energy efficiency, durability, and reliability. In modular construction, the guarantees are even greater because the manufacturing process can be controlled mechanically. Hence, this method is a better choice for simple-to-medium projects.

Real-World Example of Modular Construction in India

As you may be aware, India has constructed temporary hospitals and quarantine centres in response to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). These facilities were built using modular construction methods. Thus, the deployment of this technique enabled the rapid construction of these essential healthcare facilities. Furthermore, the construction team quickly assembled the modules on-site, saving time and helping with the pandemic. The modular approach was flexible and efficient, which was valuable in India’s efforts to expand its healthcare infrastructure and manage the COVID-19 crisis. These modular projects have also shown that this construction method could be used for future emergency and disaster response initiatives in the country.

Modular and Conventional Construction: There Are Similarities Too

Although there are many differences between modular construction and conventional systems, there are also similarities.

A common misconception about modular construction is that you can bypass the building permit and inspection process. This is incorrect. Modular construction is also construction, and just like traditional construction, you must follow the standard approval process. 

Modular building construction also must comply with applicable local, state, and country building codes. We require building permits for all new construction and major renovations, regardless of the method of construction. As each region of the country is different, we require different permits and/or approvals depending on the type of project.

Further, in conventional construction, an inspector visits each stage after completion to approve the work.

But in off-site modular construction, each stage of the process undergoes inspections. This unique quality control strategy identifies and corrects defects without affecting other areas of the project. Hence, this saves time, keeps costs down, and ensures optimum quality levels throughout the production process. When the project is ready for assembly, each module carries a Proof of Conformity, ensuring that no further inspection is required.


In summary, the choice between conventional and modular construction depends on the specific requirements of your project, including budget, schedule, design complexity, and quality preferences. Both methods have their own benefits and challenges, so it is important to evaluate each option carefully before making a decision.

At NYGGS, we are committed to helping you automate your construction process, regardless of the method you choose. Our ERP software, designed specifically for the construction industry, helps contractors manage their finances, invoicing, procurement, supply chain, project scheduling, and much more.

Finally, contact us today to find out more about this construction ERP and how it can make your construction process smooth and cost-effective.